ZX Spectrum

Yandex Retro Games Battle 2020

В субботу, 12 декабря, прошла церемония объявления победителей.

Первое место заняла игра команды Пьяная Муха — Marsmare: Alienation, набравшая 180 баллов.

2 место присуждено игре White Jaguar: Valley of Orinoko от Романа Варфоломеева — 169 баллов.

3 место досталось Джону Конолли из группы PROSM и игре Cosmic Payback — 165 баллов.

Приз зрительских симпатий в этом году достался игре Marsmare: Alienation — по итогам зрительского голосования она набрала 278 лайков.

Видеозапись с церемонии награждения

Marsmare: Alienation

Maze - arcade
Drunk Fly (team)
Have you ever wondered if there is life on Mars? Our hero did not believe in the existence of aliens, but one quiet July night he found himself in the company of not very friendly aliens. Now he has to fight with a variety of inhabitants of Mars and find a way to return home to Earth. Miramare: Alienation is a platformer with elements of metroidvania. The game has 90 rooms-screens, 8 types of enemies, 5 different locations (laboratory, caves, factory, spaceport and the surface of the planet), saving at control points and other Goodies.
Баллы жюри
180 баллов  1 место
Баллы зрителей
278 баллов  1 место
Выбор зрителейВыбор зрителей

White Jaguar

Platformer maze
Roman Vartholomeev (romancha)
"...Walken, the time has come. You must go the hard way to your destiny, find yourself in your greatness and become one of us. My friend, don't walk behind me – I may not lead you. Don't go ahead of me – I may not follow you. Walk side by side and we will be one…“
Баллы жюри
169 баллов  2 место
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138 баллов  3 место

Cosmic Payback

Platformer maze
John Connolly (PROSM)
EARTH, 2562 A.D. After centuries of war and suffering, peace slowly began to return to the world. Just as civilization had started to recover, however, another crisis fell upon it - an extra-terrestrial armada pillaged the earth, taking with them virtually all of the known supplies of gold. Society was plunged into chaos - financial markets experienced a recession of unparalleled proportions, electronics production ceased altogether, and people with dental fillings dared not wander out in public. An international task force was created with the aim of recovering the gold. Scraping together what they could with the miniscule amount that had not been plundered, a shuttle was constructed that would serve justice upon the invaders. It contained a few spherical exploration pods, which would navigate the planetary surface by means of bouncing upon it. You are responsible for piloting the pods and returning all of the gold to Earth. If this mission fails, humanity will be doomed to return to the Stone Age. You are our only hope!
Баллы жюри
165 баллов  3 место
Баллы зрителей
128 баллов  4 место

Yoyo's Great Adventure

Rafał Miazga
In the game you play Yoyo – a little funny creature who has lived happily and peacefully in a magic land. One day without an apparent reason everything changes, evil magic fills the air and poor Yoyo is struck with a magical lightning. The lightning works as some kind of teleport between realities and dimensions and Yoyo wakes up in... an ancient Poland ; ) Can you help Yoyo to come back home? Will he learn what actually happened?
Баллы жюри
155 баллов  4 место
Баллы зрителей
79 баллов  6 место

Red Raid: The beginning

Arcade maze
ZXBitles (team)
"Redrick was walking with his pet, Daisy Bunny (Yes, you guessed it) and found that she was missing. Hmm, gone? Or maybe?.. However, this is what you have to find out. In search of Daisy, Redrick comes across a group of hostile people, but there is nothing to do… Do not leave your pet in the deep forest!" The game is written for the ZX Spectrum 48K and consists of two parts. Please download the archive, read the instructions on the insert and run both parts of the game from the archive. To pick up ammo and armor, Crouch over a dead enemy. To go to the caves, click " up"
Баллы жюри
153 балла  5 место
Баллы зрителей
151 балл  2 место


PCNONOGames (team)
For a long time, in a quiet town, people have not stopped disappearing. The last case being a young girl. The inhabitants think that the disappearances may be related to the new social engineering research center that they have installed in the north of the quiet town. Many have tried to enter to see what is cooking there, but no one has returned to tell the tale. Sami, is the brother of the last case, a young girl of 6 years. Despite the obvious risk he will not give up and will enter that fearsome center to return to his sister, safe and sound.
Баллы жюри
140 баллов  6 место
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89 баллов  5 место

Cygnus: Alpha

Space shooter
ILFORD (team)
I wanted to write a Spectrum game from scratch that was based on one of my favorite games from the 80s. I wanted to see how long it would take to create. To put myself under the pressure that those programmers from the 80s had to endure, writing games and getting them out on time. Those programmers had weeks to get a blockbuster game written. This game took three years to write where time sitting down in the evenings was spent writing lumps of code. Most of the time was spent fixing bugs. This game is so vast that I had to release as a beta. Cygnus Alpha was a quick idea that came up on speaking to a few key people on social media. I mentioned that I was writing this game but I needed ideas. I was presented with a list of ideas that just kept growing as I was writing them into the game. The game has been written on the Z80 assembler called Zeus which is freely downloaded. Without this and the help from Simon Brattel, this game would not have been possible. The game was formed by a collaboration of people on social media. Most of the graphics, cover art and loading screen by Andy Green Ingame music by David Saphier Game coding by me, Steve Broad.
Баллы жюри
134 балла  7 место
Баллы зрителей
22 балла  12 место

Techno Alice

Platformer maze
Alexander Konstantinov (ALKO)
On planet X, a full-scale war of local inhabitants is unfolding against a mushroom-like life form that invades the planet, parasitizing everything it touches. In order to escape from the spreading misfortune, the inhabitants of planet X jointly constructed an Ark-a spaceship for relocation to more favorable planets for existence. However, the mushrooms that entered the ship disrupted the navigation system, thereby provoking a crash on the planet Earth. The contagion that spread within the crash radius immediately began to sweep away everything in its path. By the will of fate, one of the parasites grabbed and dragged in an unknown direction a rabbit, which is a pet and best friend of the main character of this game - Alice. Our fearless heroine went to his rescue. Events on Earth unfold during the Victorian era. This game is just a prologue to the upcoming adventures of Alice, who went in search of a pet stolen by aliens.
Баллы жюри
126 баллов  8 место
Баллы зрителей
62 балла  7 место

Bullet Storm

VolatiL (team)
BULLET STORM is a horizontal shootemup without scrolling, with a lot of action and a little bit of strategy. We will not pass the level until we defeat all the enemies on the screen having the help of some powerups that we must manage, such as the fact that our bullets are spent and must be recharged. If we run out of ammo ... we're dead! No shootemup should lack the final bosses so here we have three devilish enemies to defeat to get to the next world. The story goes something like this: it's 1984 and an alien invasion attacks our world mercilessly. We are humanity's last hope and we have to fight them on Earth, in space and on their home planet, Mars, in order to destroy them forever!
Баллы жюри
124 балла  9 место
Баллы зрителей
37 баллов  9 место

Captain Gopher

Platformer maze
Viktor Davydov (Dwa83)
After the accident, the captain of a geological spaceship will have to make an emergency landing on an alien planet to collect the materials necessary to repair the ship. The planet was inhabited by primitive but hostile life, and the system of ancient portals hints at a long-gone civilization. (Hint: down + fire-inventory; down - portal/ship entrance)
Баллы жюри
123 балла  10 место
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32 балла  11 место


Savely Ivankov (Yprit)
One chip can be placed in one turn, and its value is selected by the computer at random and displayed to the right of the playing field. If near vertically or horizontally (but not diagonally!) there are two or more chips of equal value, they are connected, and the value of the "new" chip is doubled, and the rest disappear, freeing up the occupied fields. If the value 1024 is reached, the fields around this chip (vertically, horizontally, and diagonally) are cleared. If three or more chips are "connected", the face value is still only doubled, but the number of possible substitutions of the next chip increases (shown by the number below it). At the beginning of the game, it is zero, and the maximum value is nine. If the current value of the next chip is undesirable, you can replace it if possible. In this case, the new denomination is also generated randomly, and CAN be equal to the previous one.
Баллы жюри
109 баллов  11 место
Баллы зрителей
43 балла  8 место


IADVD (team)
Dear guest, welcome to Enigmatik! I am NENE, a Neural Network artificial intelligence program made by Furillo Productions in May 2020. My purpose is maintaining the core of Enigmatik system. I will be your host today. My creators on the one hand wanted to make a game based on urban legends and memes; and, on the other hand, they wanted to create a program capable of measuring the I.Q. of the players. I received images, tests, numerical sequences, and other related content, and started to calculate the output code. Everything went as expected until the first of August 2020. Then, the singularity started.
Баллы жюри
101 балл  12 место
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20 баллов  13 место

Anhot studio (team)
"In ancient times between the world of darkness and the world of people, it was built-a line of defense, a trap for dark forces. Network. But from the blows of the creatures of darkness, cracks are already spreading across it. If the defense collapses, the world will end. The only hope is to repair the breaks and restore the fallen sections before the entire Network collapses. But who can handle this task? You? " The hero of the game is a recruit in the army of Light, protecting the sparkling Network from the machinations of dark forces, a fighter against darkness and chaos-a technical support employee who first came to work. Armed with a crimper, a bicycle and iron nerves, he goes to perform tasks of his superiors in order to protect the world from evil, restart routers, and turn off and turn on the frozen equipment. Each task consists of two stages: a bike ride, where you need to overcome a winding path in the allotted time, and an answer to a question with a choice of one of three options. The player has only five attempts, and the attempt is spent both when the wrong answer to the question, and when falling off the bike. Let Evil tremble! Our hero is close! P.S. Beware of puddles on the road."
Баллы жюри
70 баллов  13 место
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33 балла  10 место

Greentailed Batoot Simulator

Victor Lopatin
Simulator of synchronized trampoline jumps with primitive controls. The game was created as part of the "One Day - One Game - One Frame" challenge, the essence of which is to create one frame game per day for several days in order to improve skill and self - discipline.
Баллы жюри
50 баллов  14 место
Баллы зрителей
14 балла  14 место


Victor Lopatin
The player's mission is to hold a small square on the screen, prevent it from speeding up and crashing into the screen border. The game was created as part of the "One Day - One Game - One Frame" challenge, the essence of which is to create one frame game per day for several days in order to improve skill and self - discipline.
Баллы жюри
36 баллов  15 место
Баллы зрителей
12 балла  15 место